INDEP Spinoffs
INDEP Spinoffs are platforms and various products realized and managed by us over the years. Each of these platforms / products has been developed as part of numerous projects falling within the scope of work of INDEP. For more information about them, you can click on the relevant platform / product and get more insights.
Resource Center Kosovo
Resource Center Kosovo (Qendra Burimore e Kosovës) është burimi kryesor i informatave për OSHC-të në Kosovë dhe ofron mundësi për zhvillim organizativ dhe ndërtimin e kapaciteteve të tyre.
INVESTOMETRI offers a space for information for citizens that are interested to follow the developments related to capital investments in the Municipality of Prishtina, Fushë Kosova, Obiliq and Drenas. The platform aims not only to inform the citizens on capital investments in their municipality, but it also offers information on the progress marked with these investments in time. This is a platform that meets the first condition for active citizenship in decision making, which indeed is the need to be informed. Similarly, INVESTOMETRI contributes towards safeguarding an enhanced level of transparency and accountability related to capital investments and good governance, while providing the citizens with a tool to monitor the degree of implementation of capital investments in their neighborhoods or villages. INVESTOMETRI is the platform that enhances and promotes the citizen-municipality communication and ultimately aims to make citizens directly involved in decision making processes.
New perspektiva
The first electronic space which aims to clarify and discuss the Normalization Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. New Perspektiva offers information on the signed agreements and the normalization process supported by the European Union. It offers an objective tool to enable insightful discussions on the Agreement and what it implies for the lives of the citizens. New Perspektiva is a great opportunity offered to all those living in Kosovo to have their voices heard, to ask what they don’t understand and to clarify matters that are not told to them in the media. Therefore, the main aim of New Perspektiva is to offer space to generate constructive debate and recommendations in order to offer an objective perspective on the impact of the Agreement on the lives of the citizens.
CONSUS is the regional science-society network focused on exploring novelties in the area of sustainable development in Kosovo and Albania with the aim of strengthening the collaboration and partnership between the institutions in the field of academia, research and practical work. Education and research play a crucial role in the adoption of novelties in the area of sustainable development. Therefore, the universities need to invest in enhancing their collaboration with social and regional actors, in order to inspire and ensure a sustainable future. The CONSUS network brings together universities, businesses and organizations of the civil society sector from Kosovo and Albania in order to support and promote innovation that safeguard the route towards a sustainable economic development. This mechanism has been established with the aim to identify innovative alternatives to ultimately support sustainable development both, in Kosovo and Albania.
Kosovo Basic E-participation Platform
The platform supports the empowerment of the civil society in Kosovo. The platform’s mission is to enable the involvement of the organizations of the civil society sector in decision making processes in Kosovo through the active usage of informative technology. Moreover, the platform contributes to an enhanced level of transparency of the work of the civil society organization in Kosovo. Simultaneously, it offers equal opportunities for all CSOs to make their contribution in relevant policy making processes in the country. In particular, this platform contributes towards the facilitation and enhancement of the communication between the civil society sector and the Government, by presenting a sophisticated model for active collaboration.
Rrjetet është një rrjet rajonal i think tankëve të pavarur që trajtojnë tranzicionin e energjisë dhe fokusohet kryesisht në Evropën Juglindore.
Qëllimi i WEBER është të rrisë rëndësinë, pjesëmarrjen dhe kapacitetin e OSHC-ve dhe mediave në BB për të avokuar dhe ndikuar në zbatimin e reformës së administratës publike.
KOSID është Konsorciumi i OJQ-ve të Kosovës që fokusohen në promovimin dhe mundësimin e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm në vend.