This is to remind us all how much we need to do to make transport sustainable and preserve the environment and is also an awareness-raising day, especially for institutions in Kosovo that need to think about green policies that encourage sustainable mobility and remove polluting vehicles from transport. Institute for Development Policy (INDEP) has consistently advocated for policies such as the abolition of customs duties on electric and hybrid cars, custom duty reduction for new cars, the treatment of road tolls as dedicated, and its escalation per unit of use of the car.
Now that the Draft Law on supplementing and amending Law no. 05 / L-132 on Vehicles has entered in the Government’s Legislative Program, we are reposting the INDEP Analysis on the Law on Vehicles published in 2017.
As always, INDEP will follow the legislative process through its contribution to the Public Consultation Platform, advocacy work in the functional parliamentary committee and support for public debate in order to promote sustainable transport.
Click on the link below to read the Analysis (available in Albanian only): INDEP_Analize-e-Ligjit-per-Automjete